The Prometheus operating model is designed to effectively and comprehensively drive life-saving results at every step on the preparedness-response-recovery value chain. By leveraging strong and reliable service provider partnerships across industries, we’re able to guide governments through their disaster planning and recovery processes more effectively.
Our Framework for Disaster Recovery
When we set out to create a framework for our mission, we knew we wanted to prioritize flexibility and scalability based on response needs. Additionally, the Prometheus team understands the power of global connectivity as it relates to disaster preparedness and response. For these reasons, our service provider framework relies heavily on companies that are pre-qualified before the disaster even occurs, ensuring they can deploy effectively and efficiently, maximizing success rates while minimizing expenses and logistical friction along the way.
By grouping service providers into six key categories, we’ve been able to develop and share our model with heightened clarity and impact. Our identified service provider categories include medical, engineering, technology, transport, logistics, and services. We’ll dive into each of these categories and how they contribute to our larger goal of minimizing risk and increasing the safety and well-being of citizens across the globe.
- Medical
Medical Equipment, First Aid & Supplies, Surgical, Hospital Facilities, Pharma Providers
In the aftermath of a natural disaster, there are few roles more critical than medical service providers. From supplying essential triage and medical services to ensuring the availability of medical equipment, supplies, and resources, service providers in the medical category play a critical role in saving lives and addressing health emergencies. A timely and efficient medical response is crucial for minimizing further casualties and providing urgent and necessary care to those affected.
- Engineering
Infrastructure, Design, Housing, Construction, Water & Sanitation
Expertise in engineering is essential both before and after a disaster. Engineers provide a critical voice in determining how structural issues might affect rescue operations, and they play a necessary part in rebuilding and reinforcing infrastructure before and after a disaster. They contribute to the design and construction of resilient housing, sanitation systems, and water supply chains, ensuring that communities can recover and withstand future challenges. The expertise of service providers in this category is pivotal in creating sustainable solutions that enhance the overall resilience of areas prone to disasters.
- Technology
Data & AI, Innovation, Telecommunication & Communications, Early Warning & Detection, Power, Fuel, & Energy
Technology plays a key role in early warning and detection systems, providing pivotal information that can help communities prepare for and respond promptly when disasters strike. Data and AI innovations also contribute to more accurate predictions, while telecom and communication systems enable more efficient coordination among response teams. Power, fuel, and energy providers ensure that essential technological systems remain operational or receive prompt repairs, especially in the aftermath of a disaster.
- Transportation
Ground Transport, Seagoing Vessels, Air Charters, Equipment
Efficient transportation and transportation access are crucial for the rapid deployment of most aid and response teams to affected communities. Ground transportation, seagoing vessels, and air charters often work in concert to facilitate the movement of emergency supplies, equipment, and response personnel. Transportation providers in this category play a pivotal role in overcoming logistical challenges, enabling a swift and effective response to the immediate needs of communities when disaster strikes.
- Logistics
Governance & Operations, Supply Chain, Procurement, Emergency Operations Centers
The logistics category is the backbone of disaster response and preparedness efforts. Governance and operational support, along with efficient supply chain management and procurement, are vital for coordinating relief efforts. Emergency operations centers (EOCs) often serve as command hubs, orchestrating the deployment of important resources and ensuring a well-oiled response to the dynamic challenges posed by disaster
- Services
Partners, Capability Assessments, Finance & Insurance, Search & Rescue, NGO Coordination
Collaboration with various partners, including NGOs, finance, reinsurance, and insurance entities, is critical for effective disaster response. Capability assessments which can be updated regularly help us identify strengths and weaknesses in preparedness or response plans, while search and rescue operations save lives in critical situations. NGO coordination ensures a collective and comprehensive approach to addressing diverse needs within affected communities.
Leveraging Partnerships to Succeed
In recognizing the importance of these six key service provider categories and the roles they play, disaster response and preparedness efforts can be more comprehensive, collaborative, and ultimately more successful in safeguarding communities. When the Prometheus team steps onto the scene, we can engage the best and most capable service providers across all of these categories, pre-qualifying them as trusted partners before disaster strikes. In doing so, we create connections and familiarity across categories, greatly increasing our chances of success.
As we continue to search for ways to optimize our disaster response capabilities and mitigate disaster risk across the globe, we are constantly aware of the opportunities for growth, development, and efficiency within these six categories. By prioritizing a data-driven, partnership-centered approach to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery, we believe we can achieve our ultimate goal of minimizing loss and saving more lives.